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Since one of the most crucial aspects of achieving a common goal effectively is the correct formulation of tasks, our experienced specialists are ready to analyze the Customer's concept, even if it's in the form of an idea, and assist them in: gathering the necessary initial data; composing corresponding technical tasks and specifications of the Customer's requirements; forming a comprehensive regulated package of initial documentation and accompanying materials for submission to regulatory bodies before commencing the project implementation.

At this stage, the Customer will have the opportunity to receive qualified consultations. Based on these consultations, they will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of various elements within their concept and decide on the most rational paths to achieve their goals, considering the most optimal capital expenditures.

Many decisions, made thoughtfully during the preparation stage and subsequently followed by the entire team during project implementation, can significantly simplify, expedite, and reduce project costs. If thoroughly analyzed at this stage, developing the most effective strategy to achieve the common goal.